luni, octombrie 24, 2011

Back after a while....

I have not posted here in a while seems it is high time I do it again. If there was a doubt, I am tired of the lack of perspective of the country I am living in. There is such blindness to the chronic and generalised corruption, turning instead tides to blaming the Roma for all the evil and failure....such a shame.. No one is taking responsibility for the generalised pesimism, and there is no perpective for changing the paradigm of buying the votes and making accomplices for the total lack of vision towards progress and well-being of the population.
Anyways, enough with the politics..interestingly enough, despite the above-mentioned scapegoting of the Roma, aparently Romanian media are promoting members of the Roma community on all TV, mostly on prime-time. Some probably have seen the Romanian got talent show. Some are watching the Dance for me one, and others are following the X-factor one. All of them has among protagonists some Roma youngsters, either already part of the show-bussiness, or no names. Weird stuff..
Not very inspired tonight, a little tired and with a very busy week ahead. Keep up, believe in yourself, since you cannot trust too much and too many arround, and until the next time....survive, it's all you can do!

vineri, august 01, 2008

The thin borderline between desperation and optimism

This time I will discuss a little on the issue of the discontiguous function of emotivity and its curved ratio. What do I mean? Often, very little things, situations, words, can affect someone disproportionately in various circumstances or times. Either positively or negatively.
To get more concrete, I would say that, for instance, when somebody receives criticism, unrespectful treatment, harsh words or rejection, he or she may transform it, by either augment the correspondent emotion or by denying and neglecting the determined effect in his/her sub-conscience. This would further influence, or indirectly determine future reactions and actions to certain stimuli. Yeah, I am still fascinated by irregular latin plurals....educational deformation...damn..
In other news, euphoria is sometimes hard to explain....or not. It may be linked with achieving different goals, being them concious or induced. Goals may thus vary from buying an LCD, playing a football game, getting a good evaluation at work or getting eye sights from some opposite sex representatives. They may even be determined by appreciations, remarks, even though sometimes they may be empty ones --the human ego has still its undetermined and underestimated pieces of consequences and derived implications. Back to can someone measure the critical level of adrenaline necessary to induce euphoria? I expect reactions, comentaries from the critical mass of audience-- hahah it was a bad joke..
Best regards to all...
Yours truly...

duminică, iulie 27, 2008

Peacefull Sunday

MAN Sunday rocks:). Indeed, waking up late, taking a nice and long bath, enjoying a good brunch with family and/or friends could make someone feel reeeaalllly better. Weather could also decisively impact your mood. Clouds, heavy rain against sunny, smooth- windy weather is a totally not fair competition.

Travelling to the far far away

Imaginary projections hav their important role in determining people to move one, to go further and to believe genuinely, sometimes without a lot of ground for doing that, in a better future. This is so totally wrong if you realise that actually tomorrow or the day after it could bring often nothing but pain or frustration. But HOPE is probably one of the most industrictible feeling within the man kind. Someone reminded me of Pandora's story -- that is still quite a wise metaphore. Projecting oneself into a brighter and better future is a core fundamental bone of human evolution.

Keep you poster people....enjoy the rest of the weekend.

sâmbătă, iulie 26, 2008

Sfarsit de saptamana

Sfarsitul de saptamana reprezinta la nivel micro un sfarsit de ciclu si pregatirea pentru inceperea altuia. Se termina lucrul, te pregatesti de odihna, de ceva distractie, dupa idei, chef si posibilitati: un gratar la padure sau in propria curte, o deplasare la mare sau la munte, iesitul clasic deja la Mall, fiecare pe unde apuca si cum poate. Weekend-ul reprezinta si fuga din realitate, din cotidian, din probleme si nevroze. E negarea celor de mai sus, translatia in iresponsabilitate, in nebunie, in dolce far niente...Ce reprezinta fuga suprema, unde este ea si cum o administrezi? House-ul prin cluburi, mersul la shopping/mall-uri, gratare, plaja, citit, vazut filme? De gustibus non est disputandum....Sau, mai pe romaneste, nu poti sa te c... in gustul omului....

Starile de spirit sunt relative..poti trece de la optimism si chef de viata la negativism, lehamite si pesimism cronic....totul e trecator, n-ai cum preveni fenomenul....Sunt lucruri atat de mici care pot da peste cap sistemul de echilibru emotional.....

Apropo, m-am saturat de lupi moralisti.....cand ii vad pe cate unii, ultimii care ar trebui sa ia piatra si sa arunce cum isi dau cu parere cand nu e cazul, ma apuca asa un sentiment de dezgust.

Mai scriu eu, no un pic obosit, am reluat ciclul meu rasturnat de odihna/veghe.....raportat la noapte/zi.

O seara frumoasa nebunaticilor si perversilor mici...


marți, iulie 22, 2008

Nori, ploaie, vorbe in vant

Vremea s-a stricat..e cu nori, rafale de ploaie, de vant...mai mult decat o ploaie de vara torentiala, ce curata atat atmosfera, dar are si rol de limpezire a gandurilor. O ploaie de vara aduce calm, reconsiderare, speranta, energie. Asta de acum, numai reflectie goala. In alta ordine de idei, aderarea la UE a adus pentru valul anterior, recte Ungaria, Cehia, Slovacia etc, dupa 2 sau 3 ani, cel putin a intervenit cel putin inertie, daca nu chiar dezamagire in randul populatiei. Prevestesc un fenomen asemanator in cazul Romaniei. Hai ca nu o fac pe analistul politic, sunt destui pe sticla in fiecare seara, culminand cu Mircica Badea...pseudo-analistul perfect. Gargara publica de la nivel societar nu isca dezbateri pertinente la nivel de populatie, populatie inerta in goana dupa asistare si pomeni, sau dezamagita si pasiva. Societatea civila si comunitatile locale in Romania si Europa de Est sunt indobitocite si pasivizate de 50 de ani de comunism, suprapus in cazul Romaniei peste o trecere aproape din Evul mediu direct in capitalism incipient. Hai ca mai scriu eu, ca m-am luat cu vorba la telefon, pe instant messaging....deh tehnologia bat-o vina, nu lasa omu' sa fie creativ si inspirat pana la capat....Sara buna dragilor.

Cand vine seara...

Mii de lumini se aprind...zicea duios din glasciorul dulce o doamna respectabila acum a muzicii..usoare romanesti. Cateodata nu prea se aprind, se face economie de curent sau cei care dau spargeri au grija ca becurile stradale sa dispara ca prin farmec, transformate eventual in cioburi. Asa si in viata, cateodata vrei sa aprinzi lumina, o faci, sau se aprinde singura, dupa care cineva da stingerea, independent de vointa ta..Cateodata te conformezi, zicandu-ti ca, oricum ti-e somn, cateodata insa, iti vine sa aprinzi lanterna sub patura, ca in copilarie, si sa citesti sub patura cu dubla satisfactie a inselatului..vigilentei zbirului/big brother, si a voluptatii cititului.. Un bun prieten facea la un moment dat apologia introspectiei, a ascezei...ohoho....un pic cam mult pentru mine, recunosc, o abordare un pic cam extremista pentru gusturile mele:). E important sa te analizezi, sa te conformezi cu tine, sa te re-definesti din cand in cand, dar in totala independenta de factorii externi si de cei din jur e un pic cam greu, ca sa nu spun irealist. Trairismul, atat cu sensurile sale filosofico-etice de cautare a fericirii cat si in sensul literar promovat la sublim de cativa scriitori de obicei francezi, are partea sa de substanta, in ceea ce ma priveste. Daca iti iei esenta ideilor numai din relatie cu tine sau din carti si teorii, e un pic cam lipsit de finalitate, ca sa fiu un pic eufemist si sa nu denumesc procesul masturbare intelectuala...deh exista probabil in multi dintre noi nevoia de alibiuri si explicatii pentru gesturi, pentru fapte, pentru sa iesim de sclavia si determinismul instinctului de conservare si a corolarului acestuia numit egoism. Starile si emotiile vin de multe ori de dincolo de noi, de dincolo de intelegere, si incercari de explicatii si analize rationale nu fac decat sa dilueze sensul cvasi- transcendent. Sunt un pic obosit, dar promit sa continuu. Sa fiti iubiti dragilor.