vineri, august 01, 2008

The thin borderline between desperation and optimism

This time I will discuss a little on the issue of the discontiguous function of emotivity and its curved ratio. What do I mean? Often, very little things, situations, words, can affect someone disproportionately in various circumstances or times. Either positively or negatively.
To get more concrete, I would say that, for instance, when somebody receives criticism, unrespectful treatment, harsh words or rejection, he or she may transform it, by either augment the correspondent emotion or by denying and neglecting the determined effect in his/her sub-conscience. This would further influence, or indirectly determine future reactions and actions to certain stimuli. Yeah, I am still fascinated by irregular latin plurals....educational deformation...damn..
In other news, euphoria is sometimes hard to explain....or not. It may be linked with achieving different goals, being them concious or induced. Goals may thus vary from buying an LCD, playing a football game, getting a good evaluation at work or getting eye sights from some opposite sex representatives. They may even be determined by appreciations, remarks, even though sometimes they may be empty ones --the human ego has still its undetermined and underestimated pieces of consequences and derived implications. Back to can someone measure the critical level of adrenaline necessary to induce euphoria? I expect reactions, comentaries from the critical mass of audience-- hahah it was a bad joke..
Best regards to all...
Yours truly...

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